Junker and Chunker

Monday, October 09, 2006

Zoozilla Run

Looking for a distinct and adventurous race to complete
A salubrious activity to do
I chose the Zoozilla 5K Run
At the Pittsburgh Zoo
I commandeered Stacy to run with me
Not always an easy feat
As after each race she finishes
She promises never to repeat
For someone who has complained in the past
About my zealous race conversation
She jabbered as the race began
(Most likely) unable to contain her jubilation
She sang a rendition of Gonna Fly Now
For some Rocky inspiration
To elevate us up almost Mufasa like hills
As we passed animals for the race’s duration
We finished with a time of 28:44
Not too bad, though we’re not braggin’
We then got to go and explore the zoo
Where we saw a real komodo dragon!


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