Junker and Chunker

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Great Race

Can you believe I slept in a room decorated with Pitt paraphernalia? Sacrelige!

After staying the night at my cousins
Pitt decor setting off the room's space
I rose early as many runners did
To run in The Great Race

My first race in over a year
The joy just filled my heart
I once again experienced the palpable anticipation
Of runners waiting for the gun to start

Since my sacrum injury
My pace, I had no clue
I spotted an attractive random guy
And thought, I’ll run with you

A strategy my boss would be proud of
I stalked him until mile 3
After that I tried to wait for him
But his pace fell behind me

And that is how it happened
My goal time was diminished
From between 55-60 minutes
To a swifter 50:18 finish

What a thrill it was to race again
Trails of cups, music, and bands
An endless stream of runners
The Great Race indeed was grand


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good one. The Great Race was always one of my favorites for being a fan. It looks like the memory stick was a save. Love, Mom

6:06 PM  

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