Junker and Chunker

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Truth About Kayla Kesner Divulged

Kayla Kesner may say that she just goes to Bible studies and church. She may proclaim that she is studying relentlessly. But you don't know what she really does in MORGANTOWN... Kayla was spotted outside of TCBY still going strong at 9:00 pm Saturday night after the WVU vs Eastern Washington football game. Sources say she had her first drink at 8:00 am. Our reporters learned exclusively that this is one of many incidents of this kind for Kayla.

Here, Kayla, passed out, is being carried into her apartment by her roommates and a visiting cousin. Upon observation, her two cousins appear to have imbibed as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have further information that she was spotted drinking with her Aunt Carol on Friday night.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, well this may all be funny to everyone one else but you all arent the ones who had to hold her hair back as she vomitted all over the kitchen floor...and then be the ones to clean it up....:)

4:08 AM  

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