Junker and Chunker

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Target's Massive Selection of Halloween Candy
My love for candy borders on addiction. Good ole Drewski Marushack used to say that the Mielecki girls were like little fat kids, with bags of candy they take everywhere they go. For me, every season brings with it a sense of excitement as they put out new varieties of candy. As Stacy and I perused Target yesterday, I might have been disturbed by the earliness to which Halloween merchandise is marketed if not for my complete and utter excitement upon encountering the rows and rows and rows of Halloween Candy in the Boo-levard. It was hard to narrow it down to a few favorites, but here are several of our picks.
Junior Mints-"I love their minty taste! They give me confidence to talk in the face of anyone."
Rolo, Milk Dud, Heath Bars, and Take 5 Mix-"Just looking at this caramel conconcoction makes my mouth water."
Body Parts-5 Different Gruesome Gummies- "This gives you a taste for the cannibalistic feeling without actually eating flesh."
Assorted Smarties-This mix contains Bubble Gum Smarties, Candy Money, and Tropical Smarties, as well as your regular garden variety Smarties. All I can say is that as obsessed with Brain Age as I have become, I will try anything to increase my neural growth and development. I really do love those tropical ones!
Peanut Butter M&M's-Chosen for their nutritional value.
Monster Mix Up's-Nerds, Skulls and Bones, and Laffy Taffy- This is just a very fun, pleasant mix with lots of color and pizzazz.
Autumn Mix of Candy Corn and Pumpkins-This is a most controversial pick as many people find the candy corn taste to be not so pleasing, I know there is at least one other major fan out there. There is just something about eating these that really puts you in the spirit of fall, though I will concede that I can't eat these ad nasium.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save me a Take 5 and a Laffy Taffy. Randy checked out the blog and was impressed to see NP on your office decor. Everyone was impressed with Stacy's Cobalt.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

We didn't actually buy all this.

1:18 PM  

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