Junker and Chunker

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I finally got to take a trip to the Dairy Dip with Carrie this weekend. Sacrelige, it was the first of the summer...

In our picturesque home of Ft. Ashby
At the only stoplight in town
You’ll find a place near and dear to our hearts
That sells the best ice cream around

Dreamy, terrific, and splendid
Are adjectives that describe this place
And I pity the fool who stops there
And leaves without a smile on their face

It inspires many a peewee baseball player
Win or lose you take a trip
To our beloved spot in the center of town
The Evan’s Dairy Dip

With luck on the last day of school
Before heading home on Route 46
Bus drivers will stop their kids off for a treat
Cones, slushies, and milkshakes so thick

The smell of fries lets us know it’s summer
The scent of grease fills the air
It’s like a Siren song when you pass by
You want to partake and forget life’s cares

A blessing sent by God himself
And one for which we are quite gracious
Encountering the multitude of menu choices
It’s hard not to be edacious

I’ve tasted a lot of ice cream
But I never can forget
The standout that single handedly beats the rest
It’s Evan’s Dairy Dip


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good. Brenda is excited to be mentioned in a future blog. We may have to send her info. on how to check it.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Evans Dairy Dip
Am I really sad I missed out?
Such fond memories of happy times
Cool and refreshing, no doubt!

As we near that small town Mecca
I can only hope that it lives up
But alas,
a 3 dollar slushy in a dixie cup

6:28 PM  

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