Junker and Chunker

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Trip To Stacy's/Fun With The Video Camera
Sadly, our best footage of this trip is in video form. The picture actually took place at Tim Hortons, were we joyfully dined before church.
The cousins had a plan
To meet in Morgantown
We changed that plan to Parkersburg
When Stacy’s brakes wore down

Frustrated with the boring scenery on 50
A long road, everything the same
We tried to be good Pollyanna’s
By playing the glad game

It could be worse I said
In traffic from a wreck we could sit
And low and behold that’s where we were
Only minutes after I spoke it

After several big sighs
We had the ingenious thought
We had brought the video camera
Our trails in vain were not

We filmed the medavack
A boy with a skateboard getting 4 feet of air
We interviewed a Mountaineer Maniac
Who started Let’s Go Mountaineers as we got out of there

We finally arrived at Stacy’s
And ate a Red Lobster feast
She aided us with her discount
To which we could only say, “Sweet!”

We headed to City Park
Video camera in tow
We sang our songs on stage
While Stacy filmed the show

A message from our sponsors
Aquafina, apply only to your throat
In witty head on commercial fashion
Our slogan, it did go

Chasing me on their go carts
I ran from the city cops
“I aint had nothin’, I aint done nothin’
My quickness they couldn’t stop

A harmonica playing homeless ex Amish man
Was our next choice to interview
The police go cart rolled on up
Another concert did ensue

We laughed more than a little
Several acquaintances we did begin
Therefore, fun with the video camera
Will surely come again


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this was quite an adventure----------and that you went to Sutton via Charleston. Maybe we can look forward to a blog about that day as well. I liked your poem. mom

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this was quite an adventure----------and that you went to Sutton via Charleston. Maybe we can look forward to a blog about that day as well. I liked your poem. mom

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so im glad i look like a drown rat in the photo:)

2:48 PM  

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