Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lori's Lexicon: Just a little F.Y.I. for your information

In my cubicle at work, I have quite the plethora of office enhancement. Imagine my fear, when the item "Office Decorum" appeared on the agenda of our beginning of the year staff meeting. Due to the look of the word and its' resemblance to the word decoration, I presupposed that this word meant the decorations in the office. Breaking into a cold sweat, I anticipated having to take down my enhancers. Much to my relief (I suppose), the word decorum, in fact means:

de-co-rum (noun)

1. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.

2. the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity

3. usually, decorums, an observance or requirement of polite society


In attempts to find respite from ticked off teachers and cussing counselors, our office can occasionally become loud or boisterous. Our boss was suggesting that we keep this to a minimum if possible. My coworkers and I did wonder who exactly made up the standards of decorum and if one person's standards of decorum might vary from another's. It might be possible for a much more relaxed style of decorum in various people's cubicles. Regardless, I will no longer be confused by the devious word decorum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm relieved to see that getting a sound cussing didn't impair the flow of your creative juices!!!!!!!!!!

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how terrible it would be to have to take down good ole N.D. It would have felt like a part of your work identity had been ripped from you, qualifying for a fearful cold sweat. (you certainly have a gift lori. i fear you missed your calling of writing)u may laugh but not very many writers can keep my attention although 98% of the time I'm reading a textbook.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alliteration in the last line was particularly nice...i have to agree with Kayla's point.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. I cannot fathom how you get any work done with those "hot guy" posters all around...aka Napoleon Dynamite:)

5:42 PM  

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