Junker and Chunker

Friday, September 22, 2006

More John Vaughnism's

My guitar lesson yielded several interesting quotes and moments:

1. "The joys of working for the state can be obscure indeed."

2. "Don't waste a pick. There are children in Africa who have none."

3. "I would inflict any insanity I could on any innocent song I could find."

4. On the man who shot his wife and mother-in-law in Clarksburg-"Wouldn't it just be easier to get a divorce?"

5. "Do you listen to much calypso?" To which I replied, Actually, my second favorite Christmas carol is Caribbean Christmas from my dad's Jamaican Christmas tape. Second only to Christmas In Killarney during which you are inspired to click your heels. Last year, I got my entire office to click their heels.

6. "Holy rollers are quite an interesting outfit." Further explained, Mr. Vaughn had gone to a church to teach guitar to some of its' members. At this church, when the holy spirit moves them, they go up on stage, jam out on various instruments, and sing. I asked if the holy spirit actually enabled them to play correctly on a random instrument(not exactly, was the reply). I told him I wished that the holy spirit would enable me to play and remember all of the notes on the various positions on the guitar (On the guitar, the same note can be played several different places on the guitar. I have just mastered the first place that notes can be played and am very daunted by the task of learning more). John Vaughn proceeded to, as he sometimes does, compare my memory for guitar notes to Kelly Bundy's memory on Married With Children. He sites the episode in which lacking the "personality" to appear on a sports-trivia game show, Al tries to transfer his knowledge to Kelly -- but for each fact she takes in, another falls out. He has suggested that I do this with guitar information.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would really like to meet this man. He's much funnier than Mrs. Schraum, at the risk of touching off an irresistible idea for a future blog.

8:15 PM  

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