Junker and Chunker

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Best For Last

After a softball defeat by Mylan
To Applebee’s we went
To celebrate Heather’s and my birthdays
An exciting social event

I opened one last present
And I could hardly believe my eyes
My own Sex Machine T-shirt
And it was just my size

No longer must I covet
Or scour stores to acquisition
This boastful bonanza of a treasure
This so me definition

I received a vast array of presents
For my birthday, I felt like a queen
But nothing quite compares
To my shirt that says Sex Machine!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...no one has ever received a gift more fitting...well except for maybe the inspiration who first sported the shirt...

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That will be a hard gift to top ever: I must say, how appropos for you. Take it off to wash it.

1:55 PM  

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