Junker and Chunker

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Soakum Festival

This weekend I successfully made it to Parkersburg and back without being trapped behind any wrecks or viewing our states' esteemed capital city. Stacy and I went to the Soakum Festival in Noble County, Ohio. Despite the rainy weather, people were out in droves to celebrate frontier life in the early 1800’s. Activities included crafts, hymn and folk singing, and fiddling contests. However, true to Jacqueline’s motto, Stacy and I were basically only there for the food. Here Stacy is posed beside her favorite booth, one of many cookie booths. She did decrease her spending here from last year's 20 dollar high. Other food of interest included chicken noodles and caramel popcorn.Stacy and I also went to see the movie, School for Scoundrels, which received five golden rings, borrowing from Timmy, the King’s, rating system. That sure beats the two turtle doves given to The Last Kiss. Two turtle doves is generously given to The Last Kiss due to the fact that I was previously persuaded into viewing a worse movie, Step It Up, which would receive only a partridge in a pear tree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dale's birthday festivity was a good place for the Jacqueline crowd as well, but the Soakum festival may have it beat.

1:39 PM  

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