Junker and Chunker

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Photorama From Kelly's 29th Birthday Weekend

After a 10 hour total trip by air due to delayed flights, I arrived in Norfolk to visit Kelly and fam for her birthday. The lengthy trip was undeniably worth it as soon as I saw the cutest little boy in the world. The Big C is now able to give kisses and blow kisses, pretty much the greatest thing that you could ever experience. He does, however, seem to suffer at times from a LFT (Low Frustration Tolerance), brought on perhaps by a lack of adherence to Kelly's dicipline policy. Again, though, note the cuteness: not easy to ignore.
Of note while I was there ,was an encounter with the most aggressive Girl Scout cookie seller known to man. I was out running and this girl began to run alongside of me and asked me if I wanted to buy some Girl Scout cookies. She sharply spoted the sucker for children and cookies. However, I am not sure how she had the breakdown in logic to think that this was a good time to ask someone to buy these cookies. Kyle suggested that I could have offered to trade her itunes as payment.

Due to sadness at work, Kel was not in the best of spirits for her birthday. Kyle and I tried to cheer her up without much success. Even going mallin' did little to bolster her spirits. These brownies were the best I could do for a cake... The next day was much better, with dinner at Red Lobster.

(Check out the joker waiter in the background.)

Kelly was awarded this "FREE" book from Shutterfly. I am willing to bet that she is without contest their best customer, as she has bought innumerable photos.

The Big C and I played all day before I had to leave. If I could live in this picture, I would.

I am truly loving Carter's book "It's Okay To Be Different." My favorite page was the promotion of treating oneself by eating 10 scoops of ice cream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly and I have been waiting for this one. Nice work!

6:46 AM  

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