Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine Fun At the OC

Upon seeing Stacy making valentines for the kids in her class, we became nostalgic for the days of old when we made valentine bags and they were filled with all kinds of cards and (more importantly) candy at our school valentine parties. We decided to decorate valentine bags and place them on our mantle beside the photo collage of Sandy and Randy’s family portrait. Check out the awesome grouch sticker on mine! Stacy and I did already receive the cutest valentine ever from the Big C. Stacy was also (though with much reluctance) willing to give us one of her fun dip valentines that she bought for ???? HERSELF.

The search for camouflage yarn ended late last evening at the Clarksburg Wal-Mart. Stacy had searched all Morgantown Wal-Marts to no avail for this prize. Who knew it was in such high demand? Our advice in the future to those who require this item would be to initially buy all you need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm disturbed. is that a black heart on Kayla's bag???

1:38 PM  

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