Junker and Chunker

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Rock Band!!!!!

After waiting for what seemed like forever
Scott and Kayla finally met my demands
We were invited to the Tundra
To try out the famous Rock Band
I was quite the natural on the drums
Pretty much commensurate with Scott in my skills
He patiently provided me the sage words of advice
To tap and not to kill
Mom and Brenda with minimal assistance
Gave valiant attempts of which not to be ashamed
For Trisha’s response to the critics
“Guys, it’s just a game.”
Juxt opposing his ability to elude guitar playing with me
Brian Bailey’s presence to us was granted
The night’s master at the microphone
An invitation to him would never be recanted
Kayla sang Enter Sandman with passion
Jess demonstrated guitar adeptness to only aspire
Stacy “enthusiastically” tried microphone as well
And Andy also gave a guitar performance to inspire
And now an XBOX 360 and the game Rock Band
On my apartment I would like to bestow
Though I anticipate my new financial advisor
Will give that a definite no


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog rocks. I'm glad you're back!

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Clarksburg Mall you need to go
So to the apartment you can bestow
Rock Band game for PS2
Yes, my daughter Jessica says its true.
So after work you need to buy
This game before you cry
Just don't tell your financial advisor till its said and done
Then off to have some awesome fun.
Love, Aunt Carol, LPN

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least these pictures are tolerable. do you have rock band yet? I hear you have an awesome TV. go Patriots!

11:48 AM  

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