Junker and Chunker

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Statistical Study

While finally playing Sequence for the first time in FOREVER, Stacy boasted that teams with red jerseys or shirts statistically won more games than teams with blue jerseys or shirts. It is still uncertain as to whether this was a real study or the "Stacy Mielecki Study of Whether Teams with Red or Blue Jerseys Win More". Regardless, this picture is an attempt at capturing a blue chip win, in what ended up being a tie for the night. My idea is to construct a study of whether Sequence teams with red or blue chips win more, quit our jobs, and spend our days playing Sequence to collect data.


Blogger Penny Tate said...

I'm in!

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen studies where restaurants decorated in red is said to make people eat more. Of course, shortly after that study all the restaurants changed their red decor to other more soothing colors.

9:28 PM  

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