Junker and Chunker

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Best Cups Ever!

Words cannot adequately convey the excitement of receiving these cups from Aunt Brenda. She surely is quite adept in the presenting of random presents. These beat out even the most wonderful SpongeBob cup due to their increased size, which prevents spilling while imbibing on long journeys in a vehicle. They also provide the perfect texture for a beverage as opposed to the cute, but sensory unpleasing coffee tumblers. They will surely be utilized by me on my long, scenic commute to Clarksburg. Aunt Brenda, you are the best! Your green beans have been pretty awesome as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHE'S THE BEST????? Well, I guess I know where that leaves me. Boo Hoo, ohhhhh Boo Hoo Hoo

5:04 PM  

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