Junker and Chunker

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Birthday In Norfolk

Spending my birthday in Norfolk was quite the ingenius idea. Carter continues to grow in cuteness. It was decided by Kelly that I am in charge of teaching Carter to be smart, while Kyle is in charge of teaching Carter to hide that he's smart so he doesn't present himself as a dork. While Kelly and I were walking Carter, we happened upon a sassy African American approximately eight year old girl, who said, "Hi, baby!". Kelly responded, "Hi!". The girl then spoke forcefully, "I SAID YOUR BEBE!"
After trying on numerous suits for her upcoming interviews, Kelly found the perfect one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet she picked this one because it is purple. That is the cutest grandbaby in the world.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with a purple suit she is sure to have the "first impression" thing and we have no doubt about the brains and all else.
who could "anonymous" be saying "that is the cutest grandbaby in the world"?????
aunt b.

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned today the first 7 seconds is the most important for 1st impressions. I know a certain Capon Bridge teacher that definitely struck out at Mineral County with her tank, flip flops, and torn jeans ensemble (sp)

4:40 PM  

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