Junker and Chunker

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Visit to Norfolk

On our way to Norfolk, we passed this little cookie store by Sheetz in Romney. I am now coveting Jess' trips to Capon Bridge as she gets to pass it twice a day on her scenic drive to work. Perhaps almost equal to Starbucks or at least a consolation.
While at Kelly's, we decided to walk by the waterfront, which was quite enjoyable.

This guy was so tired after biking that he decided to take a nap. Even during the half marathon, I wouldn't feel that kind of fatigue.

Stacy asked Kelly, "Why are you taking a picture of that?" To which Kelly replied, "It's an impressive naval ship!"

Carter is still as cute as ever!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that has to be the cutest baby in the whole world

11:39 AM  
Blogger Kelly McLain said...

I agree!!

9:00 AM  

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