Junker and Chunker

Friday, July 27, 2007

Also Of Note While In the Virginia Beach Area

I was able to spend some time with the Big C before and after my Virginia Beach trip. I was able to inspect the Inferno's place of business (aka Fern's) where he spends many of his days. I have recently added Fern to the list of people I wish I were. She's pretty much the luckiest person on earth...Who wouldn't want to spend their work days with this adorable guy? Reports are that he has now said La La, indicating how much he misses me.

While at the Pizza Kitchen, I tasted a Rasperry Mojito. Kyle believed that the moment needed to be captured by photo. Note the shirt I am wearing, which Kelly plans to utilize in her video diary to get me on the show, What Not To Wear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your comment about Kelly saying that she was going to sign you up for the What Not to Wear Show. I hate those things and think they have strange taste. Besides you have to have your own unique style that says this is La La. It was nice to laugh at something instead of crying. Tanks, Auntie Carol

8:13 PM  

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