Junker and Chunker

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Indeed Snowshoe Mountain Resort Could Be Where All Your Dreams Come True

After a breathtaking drive through fall foilage, I arrived at the Snowshoe Resort Thursday night. The fog had come in on little cat's feet and was very dense. I finally found the place to check in and then found the place I would be staying. Mine was one of two cars to park in front of the Mountain Lodge. I was lucky enough to be pretty much the only person staying in this particular lodge as the others were able to get the single rooms in another lodge, while the next night I would be sharing and this was the only place to even offer an additional couch. The hotel was very reminicent of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (based upon other's observations) and had an extremely creepy ambience all for just me to enjoy.
However, after making it thorough the eerie atmosphere at night, beauty and Starbucks came in the morning. In addition, the lack of cell phone reception gave a break from the world and the sensation that here at Snowshoe Resort, life could not find you. It was this feeling that created my new aspirations to change my name, be the receptionist at Mountain Lodge in exchange for room and board, and to become obese, feasting on Starbucks everyday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear... that looks like heaven

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least I'll know where to look for you.............

11:46 AM  

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