Junker and Chunker

Monday, October 08, 2007

A Weekend Of Little Leisure

This Saturday, Kara, Allison, and I participated in the Great Allegany Run. We then enjoyed dining at D'atri's for Allison's birthday.

The mug I won in the race was highly coveted by all!

After lunch, I traveled to Parkersburg to visit the fam. We were lucky enough to find these snap bracelets that weren't quite as good as those worn back in the day. As predicted, I got the crappiest one. Stacy mollified this fate by giving me one of the two that she got.

The exceedingly good grilling at the McLain residence must be commented on through a limerick:

Sam made some meat on the grill
Hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken to thrill
We thought they were great
And as we ate
We remarked on his impressive skill

After church on Sunday, we ate at Bob Evans. As we waited for our food, Stacy snacked on apple butter and reminisced about her previous waitressing days at Bob Evans.

At Bob Evans, Kyle was second in popularity only to Carter. Everyone wanted to sit by him. Sherrie and I ended up with the prosperous seats after several switches, confusing our waitress more than just a tad.


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