Junker and Chunker

Monday, November 19, 2007

My Sports Heros Tore It Up But We Weren't So Lucky On The Road-Three Limericks

If you travel down Chipps Hollow Road
In the center of Star City zip code
Much vigilence is needed
For this faded sign to be heeded
Where it's thwarted warning to stop is BARELY bestowed

Recognize the 7 points by 32
He secured several repounds too
Ted's playing was "WOW!"
And he and Huggins shared a smile
Some stats he did accrue

Randy tore it up with four touchdown catches
As the Patriots kicked the Buffalo Bills a--es
An offensive barrage
It is no mirage
As immense skills Randy Moss dispatches


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is THE most anemic stop sign I have EVER seen. Allison should take this photo to court with her and she should get her case dismissed.

8:09 AM  

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