Junker and Chunker

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Guitar Hero Rocks Thanksgiving

As per Thanksgiving tradition
The extended family did convene
Together in one place
To laugh, to talk, to eat
And then for our entertainment
Moments well worth reliving
We brought out guitar hero
And it rocked our Thanksgiving
Brent and Brenda had a face off
Much laughter is recalled
As this brother vs. sister jammed out
To Balls To The Wall
Kel and Kyle were the fanatics
Striving in their competition
Bandaids were procured for overuse injuries
At night, they saw guitar hero apparitions
Though the highlight of the evening
Gaining our utmost respect
Was Guitar Hero Grandma Betty rockin' out
Our cheers she did collect
And when the evening had to end
It was thought to be a crime
And so we wait with anticipation
For Guitar Hero III at Christimas time


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, that is a gross picture of me looking retarded and Brent looking smug. Aunt B.

6:21 PM  

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