Junker and Chunker

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Trip Home

Quite a few exciting events transpired this weekend. First, Kelly's baby shower was a grand celebration full of fun games and extensive viewing of present unwrappping. Perhaps the most enjoyable activity was that of the guess the due date lotto. For just a dollar, friends and family could guess the arrival date of baby Carter. Whoever guesses correctly, wins the money. However, my Carter Clairvoyance will undoubtably continue and the other jokers have no chance at this.

The Frankfort girls soccer team lost their final regular season game to Northern 2-0. Although their reign of terror has ended, their 11-4 season record was not too shabby. They are gearing up for regionals and are sure to defeat their competition with the strong coaching skills of Bob Mielecki. Diana's quote on the season: "If you calculated the amount your dad makes per minute coaching soccer, it would be minus 5 cents. "

Here, Stacy, the cat lover, poses with her buddy, Sandy, and the parents' new cat. The new cat was dumped off at the house, inspiring its' name, Dumpkin, to rhyme with the parents' other cat Pumpkin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good overall assessment of the weekend. At first I thought that fruit bowl one was your personal candy stash!

4:41 AM  

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