Reward for Outstanding Dental Checkup
To celebrate my perfect dental report
Devoid of flossing lectures or how to videos
I made a stop at the best store on earth
To my number one place to go
Informally known as the Fruit Bowl
Home of a glorious Candyland
Chocolate, gummies, and so much more
An awe filled reverence these options command
More choices than you can imagine
A candy lovers dream
Footies and Snickers and obscure Inside Outs
The surfeit selection is supreme
No paucity of sugar will you have
As you leave this place
Instead, a bag of candy filled to the brim
Will accompany the smile on your face
It isn’t hard to find an excuse
To make this joy filled stop for your soul
When in the neighborhood of this fine store
I endorse the Hill Top Fruit Bowl!
Devoid of flossing lectures or how to videos
I made a stop at the best store on earth
To my number one place to go
Informally known as the Fruit Bowl
Home of a glorious Candyland
Chocolate, gummies, and so much more
An awe filled reverence these options command
More choices than you can imagine
A candy lovers dream
Footies and Snickers and obscure Inside Outs
The surfeit selection is supreme
No paucity of sugar will you have
As you leave this place
Instead, a bag of candy filled to the brim
Will accompany the smile on your face
It isn’t hard to find an excuse
To make this joy filled stop for your soul
When in the neighborhood of this fine store
I endorse the Hill Top Fruit Bowl!
It is proven that the amount of sugar you eat is not as important as the amount of time it is allowed to remain in contact with the plaque on your teeth. So go ahead and chomp down on those caramels - just remember to brush your teeth afterward.
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