Junker and Chunker

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Inta Juice!!!!!

(Here I am with a fun and friendly Inta Juice worker. She also had her picture taken with Randy; therefore, I can attest that I got my picture taken with someone who got their picture taken with Randy Moss.)
I made the trip to Charleston
The School Psych Conference my excuse
Though all I really wanted
Was to visit Randy’s Inta Juice
My fellow Inta companion
With sadness had to stay behind
And all others were enticed by happy hour
But I was not confined
First to Lee Street, then to Summers
With a smile and a rush of glee
Over 50 fresh and fine smoothie choices
Were there for me to see
Jazzberry and Raspberry Allure
Kool Kiwi and Hawaiian Dream
Tango Mango and Fruit Fusion
The number of choices was supreme
I picked Randy’s favorite smoothie
The Caribbean Blend
Peach, Strawberry, Orange, and Banana
Refocillate it did! (Refocillate-totally refresh or revive)
The workers were so friendly
As purported customer service was unparallel
At making luscious smoothies
These employees did excel
I returned the next day for breakfast
And tried Banana Berry Burst
Amazingly this smoothie
Was even better than the first
Any time you visit Charleston
I caution you to go away
Without a trip to Randy’s Inta Juice
A most enjoyable smoothie buffet


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