Junker and Chunker

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Snake Count Is Back

Today I joined Allison and Justin for my first bike ride of the spring. As always happens when biking with Allison, our spring to summer snake count began in duplicate, starting us at 2 black snakes for this early in the year date. In addition, for the second time in a row this week, I grossly missed my cell phone citations left at my other apartment as Justin cell phoned it up as he biked. The first offense occurred earlier in the week when Allison and I attended a hash and a hasher actually talked on his cell phone as he ran. As I am currently reading a book regarding heinous cell phone usage, some further etiquette advice on this topic may be forthcoming.


Blogger Allison said...

Updated Snake Count: 3

This was no black snake either!

8:38 PM  

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