Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Photorama From Grandma's 80th Birthday Party Designed To Be A Guilt Trip For Those Not In Attendance

The family gathered for a celebration of their mother/grandmother's glorious, long, and abundant 80 years on this earth. The above picture delineates four female cousins consoling their beloved Grandma Betty at the missingness of the other female cousins.
However, renewed joy was embraced as Grandma realized there were those present who knew what was important as was expounded upon by Trisha.

Even the older generation knows how to take a funny faced picture...

And just because it was about the cutest thing in the world, a picture of Lily kissing the "baba".


Blogger Unknown said...

psh....to the first pics
and I think that is about the all-around best silly face picture showing by our parentals *applause*

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would prefer that my silly face pictures did not show up online. I have always fussed at K. for doing that and putting it online. Aunt B

6:48 PM  

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