Junker and Chunker

Monday, May 21, 2007

BLAKE sighting!

While home this weekend, I was fortunate enough to have a Blake sighting at Orange Julius in the renowned Country Club Mall. Blake was one of three lads in Stacy's graduating class whom I was slightly obsessed with. If one could assess the method to my madness, one was chosen for his intelligence and humor, one for his athletic ability, and one (Blake) for his somewhat more than mischievous behavior. Sadly, Stacy was not with me for this triumphant spotting. She would have been so pleased, particularly at my capturing the momentous occasion by photo.


Blogger Unknown said...

heh..i think you're right that should would have been VERY "pleased" by you taking a picture:)

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a man!

11:59 AM  
Blogger Penny Tate said...

LOL, I agree with Jess, she would have been very excited about the photo op

7:49 AM  

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