Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Martin Luther King Weekend

Martin Luther King weekend turned out to be very enjoyable, beginning with a trip to IMAX by Becky, Stacy, and I on Sunday. The movie, Night At the Museum, was very entertaining, as you would expect any movie with Ben Stiller in it to be. It was slightly odd to see Dick Van Dike portraying a villainous character. We expected him to bust out at any moment with "The Old Bamboo", but sadly, this did not happen. The 3-D experience helped to place this movie within the Superior range, and at the 90th percentile as far as movies go. No major catastrophes in driving were encountered and only a modest amount of money was spent at the mall, in line with my new year's resolution. On Monday, to celebrating a hero above many, Jessica, Kayla, Stacy, and I went to lunch at the Beanery. After lunch, we decided to go into Rite Aid in order to follow a hot tip on coffee paraphernalia. Little did I know that in this little drug store would be the candy I have been searching for. For some time now, I have been unable to find the Hershey's Cookies n' Cream candy in nugget form. Clearly more than luck, fate brought me to the last ones on earth. Also of note, Jessica found something to put on her wish list, a Sex Bomb. Now our family can profess two sex machines and one sex bomb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sex bomb looks like the perfect accessory for with a sex machine t shirt. Grandma Minnie Kimble would be so proud of you!

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...it was MADE to accessorize with the sex machine t shirt

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annie mouse says...
I love your blog and the sex bomb kitten looks like my kind of gal.
I've enjoyed "visiting" you and I loved the excited look that showed on your face during the basketball game. Man, you guys really get into the game. Have a great day. Love, annie mouse

8:48 AM  

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