Junker and Chunker

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Basketball Mania Is Back!

The wonderful display of tickets helps aid in the movement toward the fourth task of grief in our mourning the loss of last years seniors, investing in the new. We attended the WVU vs. Slippery Rock game last night, being my first real game of the season. WVU defeated Slipper Rock 87-37.
The scoreboard displays (upon close viewing) the points scored by my new favorite player, Ted Talkington (#32). Chosen partially for his home state origin and his under the radar playing status, not only did I have the luck to see him play, but the luck to see him score. I must bask in this moment now as it may not happen many more times.

Also of note was the distant spotting of my old friend from band who once again led the pregame greetings to the opposing team and the dance team's song evolvement from the good ole days ad nasium Proud Mary to Justin's Bringing Sexy Back.


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