Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lori's Lexicon

This lexical moment is brought to you by a newspaper delivered to the McLain's in Norfolk. I also made up a lymerick to help faciliate the memory of this word. Again, I had to deviate slightly from exact form due to the difficulty in finding rhyming words for abdominous.

It’s not so great to be abdominous
In fact, it could be quite ominous
For if you have an excessive middle
Your health problems can be considerable
And you may find your way to an early sarcophagus


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Marriott has a 24 hour fitness center to prevent you from becoming overly abdominous after your Thanksgiving dinner Aunt Lori.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is great you used "sarcophagus"...it was just in my book i was reading with my 5 graders...i had to look it up...but i didnt think anyone actually used the word except for the Metropolitian Museum of Arts (where the book charcters were hiding)

6:26 PM  

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