Junker and Chunker

Monday, October 30, 2006

Extra, Extra

A mixed scent of alcohol and chewing tobacco filled the air around home plate as our softball team defeated Morgantown Moose in the first playoff game of the fall season. Playing catcher, I got to directly roam around our umpire's personal spittoon as he encroached on my personal space. Next time I am bringing a hula hoop to teach this invaluable social skill. Many runs were scored by our team, contradicting the words of the less than endearing eight year old (estimate) cheerers for the MM team. Though only two in number, their relentless, cacophonous acclamations resonated such that every fielder on our team (and most likely the players in the adjacent field) could hear them with a clarity that sounded like many more. These adversities were overcome, the game was won, Excelsior!


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