Junker and Chunker

Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday's John Vaughnism's

On this blustery evening, I had my last guitar lesson of the semester. To wait over a month and a half for more pearls of wisdom will undoubtedly be a sad situation indeed. Here are the quotes:

Very randomly, “Do you garden?”

In regards to the fact that Route 50 extends clear to the Golden Gate: “That’s why we have our silly little drug problem, it’s so conducive to distribution. You might consider that if you decide to switch careers or as a result of your career, and not in regards to the profit. "

“That’s the pernicious nature of this. It’s addictive.”

(As you can tell definitely on a drug/addiction theme tonight…)

“I once had a friend who had an avocado plant named Arthur.”

“You can play this simply or in such a way that people will admire what you are doing at the same time they wish you would stop.”

And the final parting words before the lengthy break, “Enjoy the fruits of your labor.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be worth taking guitar lessons just to hear his quotes, even if you didn't like learning the skill. This man is hilarious.
The logic of the Rt. 50 one is right up there with the summer water theories by Dad.

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...I want you to play for me in a way that makes me admire you, yet makes me beg you to stop.

4:31 PM  

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