Christmas was quite enjoyable as one would anticipate. Highlights included seeing Carter, spending time and playing games with friends and family, and even gift exchanges (no crappers for me this year). As always, the family Christmas dinner provided a plethora of food and a funny face picture.
Much to the dismay of Stacy, mom abused her touchee, by leaving it outside in high winds. A lymeric notes the event:
Stacy declared to mom tochee abuse
For which there was no excuse
Leaving it outside in high winds
Could cause wounds never to mend
An adequate apology could not be produced
Insult to injury was compounded when Stacy’s Cranium team could not deduce the appropriate fashion trend from the following clues: bald Indian cut, laughable cut, tikes cut… Can you guess?
I was harshly reprimanded by encouraging Sandy to go after ornaments on our tree in picture taking attempts. Apparently, this was outrageously disrespectful to those who had cut, put up, and decorated the tree.

Stacy declared to mom tochee abuse
For which there was no excuse
Leaving it outside in high winds
Could cause wounds never to mend
An adequate apology could not be produced
Insult to injury was compounded when Stacy’s Cranium team could not deduce the appropriate fashion trend from the following clues: bald Indian cut, laughable cut, tikes cut… Can you guess?