This Weekend's Myriad Momentous Moments
Saturday, Ted tore it up at the WVU game against UCLA, not only playing, but contributing to the winning score. And that is absolute proof of the power of prayer, folks. (I realize Ted is taking over the blog. I'll try to tone down my obsession so I don't have to change the name of the blog to reflect it's new overriding theme). My boss, once again, had big plans for me, calling me to her section to meet a previous Mountaineer standout whom we'll call Bill,who was seated next to her. Unfortunately, I could not truly appreciate this moment due to the fact that during Bill's career at WVU, my time was assiduously spent on the pursuit of obtaining 99.9 percentages in my classes as opposed to the more enjoyable activity of Moutaineer basketball. I can tell you that Bill is amazing in his texting speed and tamed some of my boss' wacky theories about diagnoses for Joe Alexander. As a result of being "trapped" there for the second half of the game, I was unable to get any photos of the crowd. I was later told by my boss that my dorky glasses ruined my chances of making an impression. She plans to help me obtain more contacts for the future. I'm definately feeling as if I stepped into the plot of the movie we saw Saturday night, Because I Said So.
Sunday was also eventful, with dinner at Olive Garden and Mountain Stage with a variegated group of people. Mountain Stage provided a three hour bluegrass feast for the ears (However, the three hours might have actually pushed past the full mark to the gorged state).
And speaking of gorged, I leave you with a Vaughnism: "I recommend an electric guitar (as opposed to acoustic) for stout children and women who are well endowed."
What a shot of Ted! it almost makes me want to join in your fandom.
The pudgy boys are impressive. Where did you find that shot?
I wonder if the kids are drinking the sweet tea at McDonald's, might be something we'd want to share with Pastor Jerry
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