Junker and Chunker

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Last Regular Season Game, Bring On The March Madness!

In what could be Heather's last sporting event attendance as a WVU student, we were happy she chose to spend it with us. Although disappointment and despair ran rampant due to not getting to see my favorite movie reviewer, a Gansey haircut sighting was believed to be seen. Unfortunately, this may mean that someone has lost a twin. Further, WVU's victory helped to assuage lingering disappointment from missing celebrities.

A Heather Tribute:
Heather spent her last sporting event with us
Her impending departure makes us want to cuss
Back to Petersburg she will go
On others her pressence to bestow
No more post-it notes to her door will be plussed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, I love it! It's great!! I will most definitely miss the post-it notes on my door:(:(....wedding gift idea? a thousand completed post-its all from Lori:):) haha

7:41 PM  

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