Junker and Chunker

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Inspiration to Practice Given by Mr. Vaughn

The past two weeks have been filled with files and files of replans, which I take home from work to complete in boxes. As John Vaughn and I were talking, he provoked the calculation of exactly how many pieces of paper I had filled out. By completing approximately 150 replans with 5 pieces of paper in each, I had filled out 750 pieces of paper. As we moved on to the actual lesson, I played the song that I have been trying to master, House of the Rising Sun. It was markedly improved from last week; however, still needs work. I remarked, "I still need to practice it about 200 more times. John Vaughn replied, "If you can fill out 750 pieces of paper, I have no doubt in your ability to do that. "


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