Junker and Chunker

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Start Up With Jane Fonda

Recently, I had the good fortune of finding the esteemed work out video, Start Up with Jane Fonda at a flea market for only 50 cents. This workout proposed that it can help you wake up in the morning or relax in the evening. While this seemed to be somewhat of an oxymoron, Kayla and I decided to check it out. We were given a feast for the eyes as the workouters wore lovely leotards, legwarmers, and slipper like shoes by FAMOLARE (props where props are deserved). Perhaps the workout should have more aptly been named Rock Your Pelvis to the Classics as Fonda tended to focus much energy on this area and compared it to a scorpion’s tail. Classical songs included Sleeper’s Wake by Bach, Pachebel Canon, and an unidentifiable (by me) song from the Nutcracker. Even the eyes got a toning workout as Jane suggested they be rolled to the right, the left, and then the center. Some of the arm toning moves kicked Tae Bo’s butt as your arms, as opposed to your butt, were on fire. At the end of the workout, Jane gave the excellent fitness tip that variety is essential for optimal physical fitness and described myriad videos in her collection. Our plan is to find the Challenge workout, a 1 and a half hour workout, said to be strenuous and fun. We’ll look forward to that.

Test Your Jane Fonda Knowledge Quiz:

What body part did Fonda fracture while filming The China Syndrome? (hint: it was not her pelvis)

What household appliance did Jane Fonda’s Workout, first released in 1982, lead people to buy?

Which phrase did Fonda popularize? A) We’re gonna get fit to Rockaerobics? B) Are you ready to get down? C) Go for the burn D) Thanksgiving is coming up, we want to get rid of those gobble gobbles

What film did Fonda star in with Dolly Parton?

What kind of pills was Fonda arrested for smuggling in 1970?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Her radius.
2. The Vegg-o-matic
3. D) I theorize the pelvis thrusts are to rid you of the "gobble gobbles".
4. Well since i know all of one Dolly Parton film...ill go with 9 to 5.
5. Muscle Relaxers (too many pelvis thrusts)

You know...looking back on my answers i felt bad because i dont think i got any of them right..but then it occured to me "do i really want to be a Jane Fonda expert?..."

9:14 PM  

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