You Might Be a Hyperlexic if...
You always hear hype about dyslexia, commonly thought to be characterized by reading words backwards or letter reversals; however, in actuality being more generally a reading disability or inability to read. Rarely do you hear about hyperlexia, or a precocious reading ability accompanied by difficulties in acquiring language and social skills.
My cousins and I recently discovered that we have an alternative version of hyperlexia, an extensive urge or compulsion to read (and buy books). This was confirmed by a trip to Barnes & Noble in which we spent way over the anticipated amount on books, even after passing up and putting back many desirable items. We also discovered that Jess and I have discount cards for Waldenbooks/Borders, Books a Million, and were scheming to devise a way for us to share my Barnes & Noble discount card. Over dinner, I exclaimed that I was jealous that they got to read their newly purchased treasure trove, while I had to go to the Dave Matthews concert. Upon only slight examination, there was something wrong with that statement. If it were possible to be professional librocubicularists, we would be at the top of our field.
Here are a Hyperlexic’s suggestions for summer or any other time reading:
Psychological/Mental Illness/Addiction: Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel, the controversial A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, and for reference Buzzed: The Strait Facts About the Most Used Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy
So Funny and Good you wish the book lasted FOREVER: Carrie Pilby, by Caren Lissner
Mystery: Anything by Jonathon Kellerman or Mary Higgins Clark
Young Adult Fiction/ Social Issues: Rx by Tracy Lynn, Big Mouth and Ugly Girl by Joyce Carol Oates
Christian: For fiction the O’Malley Family Series by Dee Henderson, for nonfiction check out Joyce Meyers, Kayla is currently captivated with Captivating, by John and Stasi Eldredge
Mad Props for Vocabulary and Writing Skills: Anything by Pat Conroy, for teacher inspiration I would recommend The Water is Wide and for sports enthusiasts, My Losing Season.
Tough to Get Through But Generous Rewards Await: The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
I’ll stop there but the list could go on and on…
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